
Car Wash Market Acquisitions

United Car Washes is looking to acquire other car wash operators and franchises in Europe, Asia, and Australia.

We are open to custom partnership options

Post-Merger Integration
We integrate acquisitions into the existing portfolio instantly and efficiently. Retaining the existing team in tact after the acquisition is our most important goal.
Liquidity in the Car Wash Market
United Car Washes acts as one of the few consolidators in the car wash market in regions outside of the US. This provides hard-working teams needed liquidity and capital in the event of an exit.
Creative Acquisition Terms
We are an independent player in the car wash market, operating with a very long-term view.  This allows us to draft unique acquisition terms for our target companies, including all-cash deals, equity swaps, and equity rollovers to our platform company.
Fast & Efficient Transaction
Our acquisitions do not require for co-investors and can often offer attractive multiples. This results in very fast closing of the acquisition.
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