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United Car Washes operates the new generation of express car washes.
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United Car Washes announced today the investment into the third car wash in Kaunas, Lithuania. The car wash will operate as a franchisee of PRO BRO, the biggest car wash company in the Baltic region. 
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United Car Washes Invests in the Third Car Wash in Lithuania
United Car Washes announced today the investment into the third car wash in Kaunas, Lithuania. The car wash will operate as a franchisee of PRO BRO, the biggest car wash company in the Baltic region. 
United Car Washes Invests in the Second Car Wash in Lithuania
United Car Washes announced today the investment into the second car wash in Kaunas, Lithuania. The car wash will operate as a franchisee of PRO BRO, the biggest car wash company in the Baltic region. 
United Car Washes Invests in the First Car Wash in Lithuania
United Car Washes announced today the investment into the first car wash in Kaunas, Lithuania. The car wash will operate as a franchisee of PRO BRO, the biggest car wash company in the Baltic region. 
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